Destiny 2: War against the Cabal

If you followed my last article you may have read about my return to Destiny which took place at the start of Bungie adding cross saves into the game and in some ways making it free to play for the original main campaign “Red War” and the DLC “Curse of Osiris” and “Warmind”.

My subsequent return as you may have read allowed me to carry over my characters from the first game. Unfortunately due to me having to complete the original base game on the PS3 (which I had only done with my Warlock and Hunter characters it meant that I currently didn’t have a Titan character on my account. I’d like to think the Titan was lost during the start of the Red War (Spoilers coming up though if you have not played it yet) when the Cabal attacked the Tower forcing everyone to flee the now destroyed tower and setting into motion the story for Destiny 2.

For the Red War campaign, my main was the Warlock with the Hunter remaining as a secondary character on my account which I levelled up using gear that I had unlocked using my Warlock and also from the Season of the Undying where Guardians faced the Vex and were able to level up and unlocked various items at different tiers.

I quite enjoyed the story for Destiny 2 though I don’t think it beats ‘The Taken King’ which was one of my favourite stories.

Being stripped of all our powers and gradually having to work our way back up whilst finding the Shard of the Traveler to gain our powers back was pretty fun but because there had been changes made to Destiny 2 in ‘New Light’ the rest of the story saw me basically have everything I had unlocked and carried over from Destiny 1 which mean most of the time I felt immensely overpowered. I suppose in the original campaign it would have been more fun to gradually unlock these abilities but I settled for just progressing the story.

I quite enjoyed exploring the EDZ (which I believe is one of the biggest zones in Destiny 2) and meeting Hawthorne and seeing the struggle of those outside of the Tower and eventually getting the band back together, tracking down Zavala on Titan, Cayde-6 on Nessus and Ikora on Io before storming the old City and saving the day and watching the heroes on the newly constructed tower look at the Traveler.

The voice acting was on point especially Nathan Fillon injecting his usual humour and charisma into Cayde-6 and cast of supporting characters were pretty good with a favourite of mind being Failsafe on Nessus.

I did feel though a lot of the impact in some places of the story was lost due to the changes that Bungie made for ‘New Light’. But I think making things more accessible in the long run is probably better and allows for a new fan base to take hold to support the game alongside the existing one as evident by steam downloads, etc.

Next time I’ll be venturing into the DLC Curse of Osiris which is a lot shorter and quicker to complete than the original campaign but continues to add to the lore and history surround Destiny.

Till then “Stay Safe Guardian”.


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