New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

With a new year upon me, I felt I need a bit of change.

2019, 2020 and 2021 were pretty tough years for me. Though things are getting better, I feel I need to break things up a bit and make this cycle a little different for me.
I’ve never been one for New Year's resolutions, but why is that?

  1. I don’t think they work. They are wishes or dreams that are either too generic or don’t have a realistic action that is achievable.
  2. There is no target due date when the goal needs to be achieved by. Quite often the goal to achieve something as now set date which means you could spend the whole year on it or just the last month to achieve.

Despite those thoughts I listed above I did have certain goals I did try to meet in 2021, and I would say I did achieve some of them in some capacity which of course I didn’t write about last time.

For 2022 however, after being inspired by my Oshi (推し) (well multiple Oshi’s) in this case I decided to put together a list of New Year’s Resolutions which were a lot more achievable and realistic.

It’s a new year, and a new opportunity to start a fresh and in a world that is very messed up at the moment I think we should try anything and everything as life is too short.

So here are my New Year’s resolutions for 2022.


  1. Write more – Many years ago I used to write a lot, I wrote many articles for a corporate blog and made huge achievements. My articles were highly rated, got lots of traffic and were also shared in the larger community and republished by a large organization. However, times change, work changed, and I had less time to do that, both in a professional sense and a personal sense. This year, I hope to write more and publish a few things online more regularly.
  2. Write stories – Outside of writing articles, when I was younger I wrote stories. What I would really like to do in 2022 is to write more stories. Or at least flesh out character profiles to add in an interconnected story.
  3. Do art/Practice art – It was one of the things that got me through a particular dark point in my life, too, but it slowly fell on the back burner again. 2021 was a real turning point as my Oshi really inspired me to get back into it, and over the course of 2022 I’d like to set time aside to draw more.
  4. Go out for a walk/go out – Something I’ve been guilty of over 2021 is staying in a lot. I think because of how messed up the world is at the moment and a poor immune system, I haven’t really gone out much. Though I went out when I needed to, I’d like to make it more regular, especially for exercise.
  5. Read more – I used to read a lot of books when I was younger and had a library membership. Now I hardly have time to visit the library or read books. I’d like to make time to do that this year and expand my horizons whether it be books, visual novels, Manga, comics and more.
  6. Learn something new – I’d like to learn a new skill, something I haven’t done before.

Reading these and looking back at my first two points, you might think they are generic and not measurable, but I think that’s where it comes down to you. In my case, I can achieve all of these, I just need to set the time aside and a target on either a monthly or weekly basis. 

Let's see how it goes, and I’ll revisit these at the end of the year.


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